Simple Trigonometric Example

TomSym implementation of GAMS Example (TRIG,SEQ=261)

Simple trigonometric problem from the LGO library

Janos Pinter, LGO - Users Guide, Pinter Consulting Services, Halifax, Canada, 2003.

toms x1

obj = sin(11*x1) + cos(13*x1) - sin(17*x1) - cos(19*x1);

eq1 = {-2 <= x1 <= 5
    -x1+5*sin(x1) <= 0};
x0 ={x1 == 1};

options = struct;
options.solver = 'conopt';
solution = ezsolve(obj,eq1,x0,options);
Problem type appears to be: con
===== * * * =================================================================== * * *
TOMLAB - Tomlab Optimization Inc. Development license  999001. Valid to 2010-02-05
Problem: ---  1:                                f_k       0.229779673691773210
                                              f(x_0)     -0.119850551407619690

Solver: CONOPT.  EXIT=0.  INFORM=2.
Feasible Path GRG, CONOPT 3.14F
Normal completion : Locally optimal

FuncEv    6 GradEv    5 ConstrEv    5 ConJacEv    3 Iter    5 
CPU time: 0.046875 sec. Elapsed time: 0.031000 sec.