Refinery Optimization


Problem description

A refinery produces butane, petrol, diesel oil, and heating oil from two crudes. Four types of operations are necessary to obtain these products: separation, conversion, upgrading, and blending.

The separation phase consists of distilling the raw product into, among others, butane, naphtha, gasoil, and a residue. The residue subsequently undergoes a conversion phase (catalytic cracking) to obtain lighter products. The different products that come out of the distillation are purified (desulfurization or sweetening) or upgraded by a reforming operation that augments their octane value. Finally, to obtain the products that will be sold, the refinery blends several of the intermediate products in order to fulfill the prescribed characteristics of the commercial products. The following drawing gives a simplified overview on the production processes in this refinery.

After the distillation, crude 1 gives 3% butane, 15% naphtha, 40% gasoil, and 15% residue. Crude 2 results in 5% butane, 20% naphtha, 35% gasoil, and 10% residue. The reforming of the naphtha gives 15% butane and 85% of reformate (reformed naphtha). The catalytic cracking of the residue results in 40% of cracked naphtha and 35% of cracked gasoil (note that these percentages do not add up to 100% because the process also produces 15% of gas, 5% coke and another type of residue that are not taken into consideration in our example). The petrol is produced with three ingredients: reformed naphtha (reformate), butane, and cracked naphtha. The diesel oil is obtained by blending sweetened gasoil, cracked gasoil, and cracked naphtha. The heating oil may contain gasoil and cracked naphtha without any restrictions on their proportions.

        Distillation -----------------------+
         |                                  |
 +-------+--------+--------------+          |
 |                |              |          |
Gasoil           Residue        Naphta      |
 |                |              |          |
 V                V              V          V
Desulf.       Cat. crack        Reform --> Butane
 |             |      |          |          |
Sw.Gasoil  C.Naphta  C.Gasoil Reformate     |
 |          |         |          |          V
 |          |         |          |  To Petrol Blending and Butane
 |          |         |          V
 |          |         |        To Petrol Blending
 |          |         V
 |          |       To Heating Oil and Diesel Blending
 |          V
 |      To Petrol, Heating Oil and Diesel Blending
To Heating Oil and Diesel Blending

Simplified representation of a refinery

Certain conditions on the quality of the petrol and diesel oil are imposed by law. There are three important characteristics for petrol: the octane value, vapor pressure and volatility. The octane value is a measure of the anti-knock power in the motor. The vapor pressure is a measure of the risk of explosion during storage, especially with hot weather. The volatility is a measure for how easy the motor is started during cold weather. Finally, the maximum sulfur content of the diesel oil is imposed by antipollution specifications. The following table summarizes the required characteristics of the final products and the composition of the intermediate ones. Fields are left empty if no particular limit applies. We work with the assumption that all these characteristics blend linearly by weight (in reality, this is only true for the sulfur contents).

Characteristics of intermediate and final products

|Characteristic|Butane|Reformate|Cracked|Cracked|Desulf |Petrol|Diesel|
|              |      |         |naphtha|gasoil |gasoil |      | oil  |
|Octane value  |  120 |   100   | 74    |    -  |   -   |>=94  |  -   |
|Vapor pressure|   60 |   2.6   |  4.1  |    -  |   -   |<=12.7|  -   |
|Volatility    |  105 |   3     | 12    |    -  |   -   |>=17  |  -   |
|Sulfur (in %) |    - |    -    |  0.12 |  0.76 | 0.03  |  -   |<=0.05|

In the next month the refinery needs to produce 20,000 tonnes of butane, 40,000 tonnes of petrol, 30,000 tonnes of diesel oil, and 42,000 tonnes of heating oil. 250,000 tonnes of crude 1 and 500,000 tonnes of crude 2 are available. The monthly capacity of the reformer are 30,000 tonnes, for the desulfurization 40,000 tonnes and for the cracking 50,000 tonnes. The cost of processing is based on the use of fuel and catalysts for the different operations: the costs of distillation, reforming, desulfurization, and cracking are $ 2.10, $ 4.18, $ 2.04 and $ 0.60 per tonne respectively.


demand                     Demand of each product
supply                     Supply of crudes
capacity                   Capacity of reformer, desulfer and cracker.
costs                      Cost for each step.
supplycomp                 Contents of crudes.
numvbls                    Number of variables
octane                     Octane in intermediates
vappres                    Vapor Pressure in intermediates
volatility                 Volatility of intermediates
sulfur                     Sulfur in intermediates
reformer                   Output of components from reformer
cracker                    Output of components from cracker
petrolspec_L               Lower bounds (contents in petrol)
petrolspec_U               Upper bounds (contents in petrol)
dieselspec_L               Lower bounds (contents in diesel)
dieselspec_U               Upper bounds (contents in diesel)


4 Final products                butane, petrol, diesel, heating oil
3 Intermediates to Petrol       petbutane, reformerate, petcrknaphtha
3 Intermediates to Diesel       dslgasoil, dslcrknaphtha, dslcrkgasoil
3 Intermediates to Heating Oil  hogasoil, hocrknaphtha, hocrkgasoil
4 Intermediates from Distilling distbutane, naphtha, residue, gasoil
2 Intermediates from Reforming  refbutane, reformerate
2 Intermediates from Cracking   crknaphtha, crkgasoil
2 Crudes                        crude1, crude2


Applications of optimization... Gueret, Prins, Seveaux

% Marcus Edvall, Tomlab Optimization Inc, E-mail:
% Copyright (c) 2005-2009 by Tomlab Optimization Inc., $Release: 7.2.0$
% Written Oct 7, 2005.   Last modified Apr 12, 2009.

Problem setup

demand          = [20;40;30;42]*1000;
supply          = [250;500]*1000;
capacity        = [30;40;50]*1000;
idistcosts      = [0 4.18 .6 2.04];
crudecost       = [2.1 2.1];
supplycomp      = [.03 .15 .15 .40; .05 .2 .1 .35];

octane          = [120 100 74];
vappres         = [60 2.6 4.1];
volatility      = [105 3 12];
sulfur          = [.03 .12 .76];

reformer        = [.15; .85];
cracker         = [.40; .35];

% butane, petrol, diesel, heating        (FINAL PRODUCTS, 4) 4
% petbutane, reformerate, petcrknaphtha  (IPETROL, 3) 7
% dslgasoil, dslcrknaphtha, dslcrkgasoil (IDIESEL, 3) 10
% hogasoil, hocrknaphtha, hocrkgasoil    (IHO, 3) 13
% distbutane, naphtha, residue, gasoil   (IDIST, 4) 17
% refbutane, reformate                   (IREF, 2) 19
% crknaphtha, crkgasoil                  (ICRACK, 2) 21
% crude1, crude2                         (CRUDES, 2) 23

toms butane petrol diesel heating
toms petbutane reformerate petcrknaphtha
toms dslgasoil dslcrknaphtha dslcrkgasoil
toms hogasoil hocrknaphtha hocrkgasoil
toms distbutane naphtha residue gasoil
toms refbutane reformate
toms crknaphtha crkgasoil
toms crude1 crude2

idist = [distbutane; naphtha; residue; gasoil];
crudes = [crude1; crude2];

objective = idistcosts*idist + crudecost*crudes;

% Production constraint
con1 = cell(length(idist),1);
for i=1:length(idist)
    con1{i} = {idist(i) <= supplycomp(:,i)'*crudes};

% Reformer constraint
iref = [refbutane; reformate];
con2 = cell(length(iref),1);
for i=1:length(iref)
    con2{i} = {iref(i) <= reformer(i)*naphtha};

% Cracker constraint
icrack = [crknaphtha; crkgasoil];
con3 = cell(length(icrack),1);
for i=1:length(icrack)
    con3{i} = {icrack(i) <= cracker(i)*residue};

% Product equality constraints
con4 = [];
con4{1} = {crknaphtha >= petcrknaphtha + hocrknaphtha + dslcrknaphtha};
con4{2} = {crkgasoil >= hocrkgasoil + dslcrkgasoil};
con4{3} = {gasoil >= hogasoil + dslgasoil};

% Final produts equalities
con5 = [];
con5{1} = {butane + petbutane == distbutane + refbutane};
ipetrol = [petbutane; reformerate; petcrknaphtha];
con5{2} = {petrol == sum(ipetrol)};
idiesel = [dslgasoil; dslcrknaphtha; dslcrkgasoil];
con5{3} = {diesel == sum(idiesel)};
iho = [hogasoil; hocrknaphtha; hocrkgasoil];
con5{4} = {heating == sum(iho)};

% Octane constraint
con6 = [];
con6{1} = {octane*ipetrol >= 94*petrol};
con6{2} = {vappres*ipetrol <= 12.7*petrol};
con6{3} = {volatility*ipetrol >= 17*petrol};
con6{4} = {sulfur*idiesel <= 0.05*diesel};

% Reformerate are the same
con7 = {reformerate == reformate};

bnds1 = {[naphtha; residue; gasoil] <= capacity};
bnds2 = {crudes <= supply};
bnds3 = {[butane; petrol; diesel; heating] >= demand};

bnds4 = [butane; petrol; diesel; heating;...
    petbutane; reformerate; petcrknaphtha;...
    dslgasoil; dslcrknaphtha; dslcrkgasoil;...
    hogasoil; hocrknaphtha; hocrkgasoil;...
    distbutane; naphtha; residue; gasoil;...
    refbutane; reformate;...
    crknaphtha; crkgasoil;...
    crude1; crude2] >= 0;

constraints = {con1, con2, con3, con4, con5, con6, con7};
bounds = {bnds1, bnds2, bnds3, bnds4};

options = struct;
options.solver = 'cplex'; = 'Refinery';
sol = ezsolve(objective,{bounds, constraints});

PriLev = 1;
if PriLev > 0
    disp('4 Final products')
    disp(['   butane        - ' num2str(sol.butane)])
    disp(['   petrol        - ' num2str(sol.petrol)])
    disp(['   diesel        - ' num2str(sol.diesel)])
    disp(['   heating oil   - ' num2str(sol.heating)])
    disp('3 Intermediates to Petrol')
    disp(['   petbutane     - ' num2str(sol.petbutane)])
    disp(['   reformerate   - ' num2str(sol.reformerate)])
    disp(['   petcrknaphtha - ' num2str(sol.petcrknaphtha)])
    disp('3 Intermediates to Diesel')
    disp(['   dslgasoil     - ' num2str(sol.dslgasoil)])
    disp(['   dslcrknaphtha - ' num2str(sol.dslcrknaphtha)])
    disp(['   dslcrkgasoil  - ' num2str(sol.dslcrkgasoil)])
    disp('3 Intermediates to Heating Oil')
    disp(['   hogasoil      - ' num2str(sol.hogasoil)])
    disp(['   hocrknaphtha  - ' num2str(sol.hocrknaphtha)])
    disp(['   hocrkgasoil   - ' num2str(sol.hocrkgasoil)])
    disp('4 Intermediates from Distilling')
    disp(['   distbutane    - ' num2str(sol.distbutane)])
    disp(['   naphtha       - ' num2str(sol.naphtha)])
    disp(['   residue       - ' num2str(sol.residue)])
    disp(['   gasoil        - ' num2str(sol.gasoil)])
    disp('2 Intermediates from Reforming')
    disp(['   refbutane     - ' num2str(sol.refbutane)])
    disp(['   reformerate   - ' num2str(sol.reformerate)])
    disp('2 Intermediates from Cracking')
    disp(['   crknaphtha    - ' num2str(sol.crknaphtha)])
    disp(['   crkgasoil     - ' num2str(sol.crkgasoil)])
    disp('2 Crudes')
    disp(['   crude1        - ' num2str(sol.crude1)])
    disp(['   crude2        - ' num2str(sol.crude2)])

% 051007 med   Created
% 060104 med   Updated and corrected
% 060110 per   Added documentation
% 060125 per   Moved disp to end
% 090411 med   Converted to tomSym
Problem type appears to be: lp
Starting numeric solver
===== * * * =================================================================== * * *
TOMLAB - Tomlab Optimization Inc. Development license  999001. Valid to 2010-02-05
Problem: ---  1:                                f_k 1175400.000000000000000000
                                              f(x_0)      0.000000000000000000

Solver: CPLEX.  EXIT=0.  INFORM=1.
CPLEX Dual Simplex LP solver
Optimal solution found

FuncEv    9 Iter    9 
4 Final products
   butane        - 20000
   petrol        - 40000
   diesel        - 30000
   heating oil   - 42000
3 Intermediates to Petrol
   petbutane     - 6500
   reformerate   - 25500
   petcrknaphtha - 8000
3 Intermediates to Diesel
   dslgasoil     - 29178.0822
   dslcrknaphtha - 0
   dslcrkgasoil  - 821.9178
3 Intermediates to Heating Oil
   hogasoil      - 20821.9178
   hocrknaphtha  - 8000
   hocrkgasoil   - 13178.0822
4 Intermediates from Distilling
   distbutane    - 22000
   naphtha       - 30000
   residue       - 40000
   gasoil        - 50000
2 Intermediates from Reforming
   refbutane     - 4500
   reformerate   - 25500
2 Intermediates from Cracking
   crknaphtha    - 16000
   crkgasoil     - 14000
2 Crudes
   crude1        - 0
   crude2        - 440000