LogMIP User's Manual Example 1a - Job Scheduling

TomSym implementation of GAMS Example (LOGMIP1A,SEQ=332)

Three jobs (A,B,C) must be executed sequentially in three steps, but not all jobs require all the stages. The objective is to obtain the sequence of tasks which minimizes the completion time. Once a job has started it cannot be interrupted. The objective is to obtain the sequence of task, which minimizes the completion time.

Ref: Raman & Grossmann, Comp. & Chem. Eng., 18, 7, p.563-578, 1994.

toms 6x1 I
toms 3x1 J X

% Binary variables
toms 6x1 integer Y
cbnd1 = {0 <= Y <= 1};

toms T

% X and T are positive
cbnd2 = {0 <= X; 0 <= T};

eq1 = {T >= X(1) + 8
    T >= X(2) + 5
    T >= X(3) + 6};

eq2 = {X(1)-X(3) <= -5
    X(3)-X(1) <= -2
    X(2)-X(3) <= -1
    X(3)-X(2) <= -6
    X(1)-X(2) <= -5
    X(2)-X(1) <= 0};

objective = T;

cbnd3 = {X <= 20};

% Disjunction
eq3 = {(X(1)-X(3))*Y(1) <= -5*Y(1)
    (X(3)-X(1))*Y(2) <= -2*Y(2)
    (X(2)-X(3))*Y(3) <= -1*Y(3)
    (X(3)-X(2))*Y(4) <= -6*Y(4)
    (X(1)-X(2))*Y(5) <= -5*Y(5)
    (X(2)-X(1))*Y(6) <= 0*Y(6)};

eq4 = {Y(1) + Y(2) == 1
    Y(3) + Y(4) == 1
    Y(5) + Y(6) == 1};

options = struct;
options.solver = 'minlpBB';
constr = {cbnd1;cbnd2;cbnd3; eq1;eq3;eq4};
solution = ezsolve(objective,constr,[],options);
Problem type appears to be: minlp
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TOMLAB - Tomlab Optimization Inc. Development license  999001. Valid to 2010-02-05
Problem: ---  1:                                f_k      11.000000000000000000
                                              f(x_0)     -0.000000000000000000

Solver: minlpBB.  EXIT=0.  INFORM=0.
Dense Branch and Bound MINLP
Optimal integer solution found

FuncEv    5 GradEv    5 HessEv    4 ConstrEv    3 ConJacEv    3 ConHessEv    3 Iter    1 
CPU time: 0.046875 sec. Elapsed time: 0.047000 sec.