Job Shop Scheduling


Problem description

A company has received an order for three types of wallpapers: one (paper 1) has a blue background with yellow patterns, another (paper 2) a green background and blue and yellow patterns, and the last (paper 3) has a yellow background with blue and green patterns. Every paper type is produced as a continuous roll of paper that passes through several machines, each printing a different color. The order in which the papers are run through the machines depends on the design of the paper: for paper 1 first the blue background and then the yellow pattern is printed. After the green background for paper 2, first the blue and then the yellow patterns are printed. The printing of paper 3 starts with the yellow background, followed by the blue and then the green patterns.

     p2             p1              p3
     |              |               |
     V              V               V
    +-----+        +----+ --p1-> +------+
    |GREEN| --p2-> |BLUE| --p2-> |YELLOW|
    +-----+ <-p3-- +----+ <-p3-- +------+
       |                           |   |
       V                           V   V
       p3                          p1  p2

Production flows through printing machines

The processing times differ depending on the surface that needs to be printed. The times (in minutes) for applying every color of the three paper types are given in the following table.

Times required for applying every color

|Machine|Color |Paper 1|Paper 2|Paper 3|
|   1   |Blue  |  45   |  20   |  12   |
|   2   |Green |   -   |  10   |  17   |
|   3   |Yellow|  10   |  34   |  28   |

Knowing that every machine can only process one wallpaper at a time and that a paper cannot be processed by several machines simultaneously, how should the paper printing be scheduled on the machines in order to finish the order as early as possible?


the colors are ordered as follows:

color1 = blue   (paper 1's first color)
color2 = green  (paper 2's first color)
color3 = yellow (paper 3's first color)
proctimes         Times for the papers in the machines
flow              The order of colors on the paperS
final             The last machine for each paper
bigM              The total processingtimes.


Applications of optimization... Gueret, Prins, Seveaux

% Marcus Edvall, Tomlab Optimization Inc, E-mail:
% Copyright (c) 2005-2009 by Tomlab Optimization Inc., $Release: 7.2.0$
% Written Oct 7, 2005.   Last modified Apr 8, 2009.

Problem setup

proctimes = [45 20 12 10 17 10 34 28]';

flow = [1 3 0;...
    2 1 3;...
    3 1 2];

final = [3;3;2];

bigM  = sum(sum(proctimes));

disj1 = [1 1 2 4 6 6 7]';
disj2 = [2 3 3 5 7 8 8]';

arc1 = [1 4 2 8 3]';
arc2 = [6 2 7 3 5]';

tasks = 8;

start  = tom('start',tasks,1);
y      = tom('y',length(disj1),1,'int');
finish = tom('finish',1,1); %Scalar

% All slots are integers
bnds1 = {start >= 0, 0 <= finish <= bigM, 0 <= y <= 1};

% Task constraint
taskcon = {start(1:8) + proctimes(1:8) <= finish};

% Arc constraint
arccon = {};
for i=1:length(arc1)
    arccon{i} = {start(arc1(i)) + proctimes(arc1(i)) <= start(arc2(i))};

% Disj constraint
disjcon = {};
for i=1:length(disj1)
    disjcon{i} = ...
        {start(disj1(i)) + proctimes(disj1(i)) <= ...
        start(disj2(i)) + bigM*y(i)};
    disjcon{i+length(disj1)} = ...
        {start(disj2(i)) + proctimes(disj2(i)) <= ...
        start(disj1(i)) + bigM*(1-y(i))};

constraints = {bnds1, taskcon, arccon, disjcon};
options = struct;
options.solver = 'cplex';   = 'Job Shop Scheduling';
sol = ezsolve(finish,constraints,[],options);

PriLev = 1;
if PriLev > 0
    c      = 3; % number of colors
    p      = 3; % number of papers

    disp(['all papers are finished after ' num2str(sol.finish) ' minutes'])
    disp(' ')
    for j = 1:p,
        disp(['paper ' num2str(j) ':'])
        if j==1
            colortimes = sol.start(1:3);
        elseif j == 2
            colortimes = [0;sol.start(4:5)];
            colortimes = sol.start(6:8);

        [time,col] = sort(colortimes);
        for i = 1:c,
            this_col  = col(i);
            this_time = time(i);
            if this_time == 0
                disp(['   starts using color ' num2str(this_col) ' after ' ...
                    num2str(this_time) ' minutes (or not at all)'])
                disp(['   starts using color ' num2str(this_col) ' after ' ...
                    num2str(this_time) ' minutes'])

% 060102 med   Created
% 060111 per   Added documentation
% 060126 per   Moved disp to end
% 090308 med   Converted to tomSym
Problem type appears to be: mip
===== * * * =================================================================== * * *
TOMLAB - Tomlab Optimization Inc. Development license  999001. Valid to 2010-02-05
Problem: ---  1: Job Shop Scheduling            f_k      96.999999996000000000
                                       sum(|constr|)      0.000000000211653345
                              f(x_k) + sum(|constr|)     96.999999996211656000
                                              f(x_0)      0.000000000000000000

Solver: CPLEX.  EXIT=0.  INFORM=101.
CPLEX Branch-and-Cut MIP solver
Optimal integer solution found

FuncEv    8 
all papers are finished after 97 minutes
paper 1:
   starts using color 2 after 10 minutes
   starts using color 3 after 30 minutes
   starts using color 1 after 42 minutes
paper 2:
   starts using color 1 after 0 minutes (or not at all)
   starts using color 2 after 0 minutes (or not at all)
   starts using color 3 after 42 minutes
paper 3:
   starts using color 3 after 0 minutes (or not at all)
   starts using color 2 after 30 minutes
   starts using color 1 after 87 minutes