Establishing a College Timetable


Problem description

Mr. Miller is in charge of establishing the weekly timetable for two classes of the last year in a college. The two classes have the same teachers, except for mathematics and sport. In the college all lessons have a duration of two hours. Furthermore, all students of the same class attend exactly the same courses. From Monday to Friday, the slots for courses are the following: 8:00–10:00, 10:15–12:15, 14:00–16:00, and 16:15–18:15. The following table lists the number of two-hour lessons that every teacher has to teach the students of the two classes per week.

Number of 2-hour lessons per teacher and class

|Teacher     |Subject          |Lsns for cls 1|Lsns for cls 2|
|Mr Cheese   |English          |      1       |      1       |
|Mrs Insulin |Biology          |      3       |      3       |
|Mr Map      |History-Geography|      2       |      2       |
|Mr Effofecks|Mathematics      |      0       |      4       |
|Mrs Derivate|Mathematics      |      4       |      0       |
|Mrs Electron|Physics          |      3       |      3       |
|Mr Wise     |Philosophy       |      1       |      1       |
|Mr Muscle   |Sport            |      1       |      0       |
|Mrs Biceps  |Sport            |      0       |      1       |

The sport lessons have to take place on Thursday afternoon from 14:00 to 16:00. Furthermore, the first time slot on Monday morning is reserved for supervised homework. Mr Effofecks is absent every Monday morning because he teaches some courses at another college. Mrs Insulin does not work on Wednesday. And finally, to prevent students from getting bored, every class may only have one two-hour lesson per subject on a single day. Write a mathematical program that allows Mr Miller to determine the weekly timetable for the two classes.


lessons1/2                 Number of lessons per subject and class
subject                    Subject indices
slots                      Possible slots


Applications of optimization... Gueret, Prins, Seveaux

% Marcus Edvall, Tomlab Optimization Inc, E-mail:
% Copyright (c) 2005-2009 by Tomlab Optimization Inc., $Release: 7.2.0$
% Written Dec 5, 2005.   Last modified Apr 11, 2009.

Problem setup

lessons1        = [ 1  3  2  0  4  3  1  1  0]';
lessons2        = [ 1  3  2  4  0  3  1  0  1]';
subject         = [ 1  2  3  4  4  5  6  7  7]';
slots           = 4*5;

n1    = length(lessons1);   %teachers
n2    = 2;                  %2
n3    = slots;              %slots

t = tomArrayIdx('t',1:n1); % index over all teachers
c = tomArrayIdx('c',1:n2); % index over all classes
l = tomArrayIdx('l',1:n3); % index over all lessons

teach = tom('teach',n1*n2*n3,1,'int');
teach = tomArray(teach,[n1,n2,n3]);

% All variables are binary
bnds1 = {0 <= teach <= 1};

% Sport has to be on thursday afternoon
bnds2 = {1 <= teach(8,1,15), 1 <= teach(9,2,15)};

% No lessons Monday morning
bnds3 = {teach(t,c,1) <= 0};

% Teacher 4 is away on Monday morning
bnds4 = {teach(4,c,2) <= 0};

% Teacher 2 is away on Wednesdays
sl = tomArrayIdx('l',9:12); % index over all lessons
bnds5 = {teach(2,c,sl) <= 0};

bnds = {bnds1, bnds2, bnds3, bnds4, bnds5};

% Course constraints
con1 = {sum(teach(t,c,l),l) == [lessons1 lessons2]};

% Teacher constraint, one teacher per slot and class
con2 = {sum(teach(t,c,l),t) <= 1};

% Class constraint, one class per slot
con3 = {sum(teach(t,c,l),c) <= 1};

% At most one 2-hour slot of a subject per day
con4 = cell(5,1);
con5 = cell(5,1);
con6 = cell(5,1);
con7 = cell(5,1);

for weekit=1:5
    wl = tomArrayIdx('l',(weekit-1)*4+1:weekit*4); % index over slots
    con4{weekit} = {sum(teach(2,c,wl),wl) <= 1};
    con5{weekit} = {sum(teach(3,c,wl),wl) <= 1};
    wt = tomArrayIdx('t',4:5);
    con6{weekit} = {sum(teach(wt,c,wl),wl) <= 1};
    con7{weekit} = {sum(teach(6,c,wl),wl) <= 1};

con = {con1, con2, con3, con4, con5, con6, con7};

% Objective
mornaftslots = tomArrayIdx('l',[1 4 5 8 9 12 13 16 17 20]);
objective = sum(vec(teach(t,c,mornaftslots)));

options = struct;
options.solver = 'cplex';   = 'College Time Table';
sol = ezsolve(objective,{bnds, con},[],options);

PriLev = 1;
if PriLev > 0
    t_names = ['Cheese   '; 'Insulin  '; 'Map      ';
        'Effofecks'; 'Derivate '; 'Electron ';
        'Wise     '; 'Muscle   '; 'Biceps   ' ];
    s_names = ['English    '; 'Biology    '; 'Histo-Geo  ';
        'Mathematics'; 'Physics    '; 'Philosophy ';
        'Sport      ' ];
    subject = [ 1  2  3  4  4  5  6  7  7]';
    d_names = ['Mon'; 'Tue'; 'Wed'; 'Thu'; 'Fri' ];
    l_times = ['0800-1000'; '1015-1215'; '1400-1600'; '1615-1815'; ];
    t_nr   = length(t_names);
    s_nr   = 20 ; % number of slots
    temp   = reshape(sol.teach,t_nr*2,s_nr);
    class1 = temp(1:t_nr,:);
    class2 = temp(t_nr+1:end,:);
    classes= [class1 class2];
    for c = 1:2,
        this_class = class1;
        if c == 2,
            this_class = class2;
        disp(' ')
        disp(['TIMETABLE FOR CLASS ' num2str(c)])
        counter = 0;
        for i = 1:length(d_names),
            day = d_names(i,:);
            disp(['--' day '--'])
            for j = 1:size(l_times,1),
                time = l_times(j,:);
                counter = counter + 1;
                if sum(this_class(:,counter)) == 1,
                    teacher = find(this_class(:,counter));
                    disp(['   ' time ' ' s_names(subject(teacher),:) ...
                        ' (' t_names(teacher,:) ')'])

% 051205 med   Created
% 060117 per   Added documentation
% 060126 per   Moved disp to end
% 090412 med   Converted to tomSym
Problem type appears to be: mip
Starting numeric solver
===== * * * =================================================================== * * *
TOMLAB - Tomlab Optimization Inc. Development license  999001. Valid to 2010-02-05
Problem: ---  1: College Time Table             f_k      10.000000000000000000
                                              f(x_0)      0.000000000000000000

Solver: CPLEX.  EXIT=0.  INFORM=101.
CPLEX Branch-and-Cut MIP solver
Optimal integer solution found

FuncEv   67 
   1015-1215 Mathematics (Derivate )
   1400-1600 Physics     (Electron )
   1015-1215 Physics     (Electron )
   1400-1600 Biology     (Insulin  )
   0800-1000 English     (Cheese   )
   1015-1215 Histo-Geo   (Map      )
   1400-1600 Physics     (Electron )
   1615-1815 Mathematics (Derivate )
   0800-1000 Histo-Geo   (Map      )
   1015-1215 Biology     (Insulin  )
   1400-1600 Sport       (Muscle   )
   1615-1815 Mathematics (Derivate )
   0800-1000 Philosophy  (Wise     )
   1015-1215 Mathematics (Derivate )
   1400-1600 Biology     (Insulin  )
   1015-1215 Histo-Geo   (Map      )
   1400-1600 Biology     (Insulin  )
   1615-1815 Mathematics (Effofecks)
   1015-1215 Mathematics (Effofecks)
   1400-1600 Physics     (Electron )
   1015-1215 Mathematics (Effofecks)
   1400-1600 Histo-Geo   (Map      )
   1615-1815 Physics     (Electron )
   0800-1000 Philosophy  (Wise     )
   1015-1215 Mathematics (Effofecks)
   1400-1600 Sport       (Biceps   )
   1615-1815 Biology     (Insulin  )
   0800-1000 Biology     (Insulin  )
   1015-1215 Physics     (Electron )
   1400-1600 English     (Cheese   )